Leadership Lessons from “The Greatest Night in Pop”
My Gen-X heart could not have been happier watching The Greatest Night in Pop documentary on Netflix! As a kid, I loved cracking open a cassette tape or CD and reading the lyrics and liner notes of the album. I loved shows like Pop Up Video on VH1, where I got to learn all kinds […]

How to Get People to Share More About Themselves
If you want to create an environment for others to share more about themselves, start by sharing about yourself genuinely and not for attention. When you share appropriately for the setting and context of your relationship, others will feel more comfortable doing the same. Lead with this intention and let it inform how you shape each […]

Making Room for Vulnerability at Work
Vulnerability can have a negative connotation, especially when it comes to sharing in the workplace. When our colleagues over-share the details of their personal lives, cry during meetings, or say inappropriate things, those moments can be awkward for all involved! Nonetheless, there should be a place for vulnerability at work. It’s a key aspect of […]

Ask Better Questions to Build Better Connections
As a speaker, I often tell the story of how my oldest daughter taught me the power of asking better questions. When she was in elementary school, I would pick her up each day and excitedly ask, “How was your day?!” Her guaranteed response each time was, “Good.” That was it. A flat, one-word response […]

Handling Conflict and Difficult Conversations
Conflict is a natural part of life, but it doesn’t have to be destructive. In fact, conflict can be an opportunity to learn and grow, if it is handled effectively. Here are some tips on how to handle conflict and difficult conversations: Stay calm and collected. It can be difficult to stay calm when you […]

Leadership, Communication, and You
My very first job was at a shoe store. I thought about working in food service but knew I didn’t have the thick skin or level of patience required to be a server, so, retail it was! I was good at my job. My approach to sales was to be friendly, and helpful, and ask […]

Improving Team Communication On and Offline
Slack this. E-mail that. A ping here. A quick video call there. In today’s workplace, the hamster wheel is moving faster than ever. Our attention spans are already the lowest they’ve ever been and now the battle for focus wages on amidst the barrage of notifications we receive on a daily basis. With Upwork reporting […]